I haven't blogged since last year. I really haven't even thought much about blogging in the last year. And the last couple of years have seen a lot of changes for me. So when I started feeling like blogging again, I realized that my blog didn't quite fit anymore. The blog needed a change also. Just a small adjustment, really. In fact, a single word was all I needed to change. Unfortunately, that word was in the blog title. I figured the easiest solution was to start fresh.
Hence, The Queen Crafts!
At first, I was hesitant to use the word craft. To be honest, it carries a bit of baggage: handmade crafts; something the kids do; it's not art, just a craft.
It's a shame we don't always think of its definition first and formost: to make or produce with care, skill, or ingenuity.
Sounds downright noble. Befitting a queen!
Oops. The link below for my previous blog doesn't work. Try this: queenodella.blogspot.com